



1. 請宣告我主和主基督的國臨到香港以及中國,祂是「和平之君」(賽9:6)。
2. 為香港轉化祈禱,叫聖經的屬靈文化成為社會各範疇和領域的文化,也叫基督掌權在其中。也為香港政府官員和市民的心靈更新而變化禱告,叫他們的心意順服基督。

Life Transformation Movement
“Pray for Healing of Hong Kong Prayer and Fasting” Guide (4)

Theme: Evangelism
Method: Personal or group prayer by Bible verses

12/10(Tue): Welcoming Jesus
Scripture: “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

The biblical worldview is not that heaven and earth are always opposed, but that the kingdom of God comes to earth. The salvation of Jesus is to redeem that which is lost (Luke 19:10), including cities and nations. Jesus is the coming king, not just the king of Israel, but the king of all the nations in the land.

Prayer Note:
1. Please declare that the Lord and His Christ would come to Hong Kong and China, for He is “The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
2. Please pray for the transformation of Hong Kong, so that the biblical and spiritual culture becomes the culture in all spheres and sectors in the society, and that Christ reigns over all. Also pray for the renewing of the minds among government officials and citizens in Hong Kong, taking captive every thought obedient to Christ.

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