


1. 香港有為數不少的外籍人士,他們在本國未必有自由聽福音,如今住在香港,有信仰自由。為香港教會能向少數族裔佈道祈禱,能做好本地的跨文化事工代求。
2. 華人教會領受把福音傳回耶路撒冷的異象,為香港教會有分於這異象祈禱。在傳回耶路撒冷的沿途,都是印度教徒、穆斯林和猶太教徒,請為這些族群代禱,求神開傳道的門,也為香港教會禱告,叫宣教大軍向四方進發。

Life Transformation Movement
“Pray for Healing of Hong Kong Prayer and Fasting” Guide (5)

Theme: the Destiny of Hong Kong
Method: Personal or group prayer by Bible verses

12/17(Tue): Gateway city
Scripture: “When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee. Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali.” (Matthew 4:12-13)

Jesus chose Galilee to begin his ministry. He used Capernaum as the base, because there were traffic routes nearby. Many people travelled in and out around that area, and their hearts were more open to the gospel. Located on the coast of South China, Hong Kong is a financial and shipping center as well as a gateway city. To the north are China, Japan, and South Korea; to the south are Southeast Asian countries; to the west are South Asia and the Middle East; to the east, the Pacific Ocean and North America’s west coast. Hong Kong is not just a major economic city, but also a strategic place for missions.

Prayer Note:
1. There are a lot of foreigners in Hong Kong who may not be free to listen to the Gospel in their own countries. Now they live in Hong Kong and have freedom of belief. Pray for the churches in Hong Kong to be able to preach to ethnic minorities and those local ministries which have cross-cultural evangelism.
2. The Chinese church received the vision of Back to Jerusalem Movement. Please pray for the churches in Hong Kong to take part in the movement. On the way back to Jerusalem, there were Hindus, Muslims, and Jews. Please pray for these ethnic groups, asking God to open the door for evangelism. Pray for the churches in Hong Kong may advance the gospel by sending missionaries to different mission fields.

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